
Check if 2 axis aligned quads intersects.


collision_quad.xminX coordinate of min vertex of the 1st axis aligned aligned quad.
collision_quad.xminY coordinate of min vertex of the 1st axis aligned aligned quad.
collision_quad.xmaxX coordinate of max vertex of the 1st axis aligned aligned quad.
collision_quad.xmaxY coordinate of max vertex of the 1st axis aligned aligned quad.
collision_quad.xmin+2X coordinate of min vertex of the 2nd axis aligned aligned quad.
collision_quad.ymin+2Y coordinate of min vertex of the 2nd axis aligned aligned quad.
collision_quad.xmax+2X coordinate of max vertex of the 2nd axis aligned aligned quad
collision_quad.ymax+2Y coordinate of max vertex of the 2nd axis aligned aligned quad


Carry flagSet if the 2 axis aligned quads intersect.