Function Index
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 2, bm_getptr
 3_cmp, _fat32_8
Computes the directory entry checksum.
Checks if the last fat sector was reached.
Checks if the current directory entry is a long filename (LFN) entry.
Retrieves the next data cluster from the File Allocation Table.
Reads next data sector and stores the data at the memory location pointed by fat32.data_buffer.
Opens root directory of current partition.
Reads FAT32 boot sector.
Computes the sector id of a cluster.
Given a pointer to the BRAM, obtain the name of the entry and the pointer to the next entry.
Checks it the 8.3 filename stored in a directory entry matches current string.
Convert an 16 bit binary value to BCD
Convert an 8 bit binary value to BCD.
Unlock and map BRAM to mpr #4.
Checks if the BRAM header is valid.
Compute checksum.
Create a new entry at the end of current storage.
Delete the specified entry.
Detect if a BRAM is present on the system.
Check if there is an entry which name matches the one given as parameter.
Get file by index and store the information in a buffer.
Initialize backup memory.
Returns the number of free bytes.
Finds the BRAM entry whose name is given as argument.
Read entry data.
Get the storage capacity in bytes of the backup RAM.
Test if data can safely be written to BRAM.
Lock BRAM and restore mpr #4.
Update entry data.
Check if 2 axis aligned quads intersects.
Computes CRC-16 (CCITT).
Computes CRC-32.
Resets CRC-32 value.
Finalizes CRC-32 value.
Divide 2 unsigned bytes.
Opens the file whose name is the string pointed to by _r1.
Inspects the FAT in order to find the id of the first free cluster.
Retrieves the directory entry file name.
Retrieves the directory entry long file name (if any).
Mount a FAT32 partition and opens its root directory.
Opens the file whose directory entry is pointed by _si for reading.
Reads _cx bytes from the currently opened file and stores them at the memory location given by fat32.dst.
Retrieves the next valid directory entry and moves fat32.data_offset past it.
Reads partition table from sector.
Copies 512 bytes from the specified sector to the destination buffer.
Load default 1bpp 8x8 font.
Load 1bpp font to VRAM.
Set font address.
Set font palette.
Poll 6-buttons joypads state.
Poll joypads state.
Map data to mpr 3 and 4.
Load a portion of a 8x8 tilemap to VRAM.
Load a portion of a 16x16 tilemap to VRAM.
Defines the vertical bounds of the BAT map area.
Multiply 2 unsigned words.
Multiply 2 unsigned bytes.
Output a bcd number at the current BAT location.
Output an ASCII character at the current BAT location.
Output an unsigned decimal number at the current BAT location.
Output an unsigned decimal number at the current BAT location.
Output a decimal digit at the current BAT location.
Fill an area with a given character.
Output a hexadecimal digit at the current BAT location.
Output a hexadecimal number at the current BAT location.
Output a hexadecimal number at the current BAT location.
Display a null (0) terminated string in a textarea.
Display the n first characters of a string.
Display a null (0) terminated string.
Initialize PSG.
Generates 8-bit pseudo-random number.
Set pseudo-random number seed.
Update value of mpr 3 and 4 if needed.
Set scroll coordinates with the current scroll display list entry, and program the next hsync callback.
Set sprite control flag.
Hide sprite.
Set sprite palette index.
Set sprite pattern address in VRAM.
Set sprite priority.
Show sprite.
Copy the local sprite attribute table to VRAM.
Update sprite X coordinate.
Update sprite Y coordinate.
Restore values of mpr 3 and 4.
Set VCE dot clock, edge blur and background color.
Compute VRAM address for a given tile in BAT.
Set N words of VRAM to 0.
Set an area in BAT to a given tile and palette.
Initialize VDC.
Copy data to VRAM.
Load 8x8 tiles data to VRAM.
Set the VRAM address of the sprite attribute table.
Computes and set VRAM write address to SAT entry..
Set background map virtual size.
Set VDC VRAM read pointer.
Set VDC VRAM write pointer.
Set horizontal display resolution.
Set horizontal (x) resolution to 256 pixels.
Set horizontal (x) resolution to 320 pixels.
Set horizontal (x) resolution to 512 pixels.
Set vertical (y) resolution to 224 pixels.
Set vertical (y) resolution to 240 pixels.
Increment VGM data pointer.
Setup VGM player
Read VGM frame data.