$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 HuC6260-Video Color Encoder(VCE)
 HuC6270-Video Display Controller(VDC)
 I/O port bit mask
 Interrupts management
 IRQ indentifiers
 IRQ vectors
 Joypad Functions
 Joypad port
 Math routines
 Memory copy
 Memory copy helpers
 Memory mapping utility routines
 Pachinko controller
 Predefined colors
 PSG Functions
 PSG registers
 Random number generators
Increment a 32 bits value at stated memory location.
Increment a word-sized value at stated memory location.
Bitfield grouping all interrupts.
IRQ1 is triggered by the VDC.
This interrupt is available on the HuCard and expension connectors.
The NMI interrupt does not seem to be used.
This TIMER interrupt is generated by the HuC6280’s internal timer.
Basically the controller acts as 2 joypads plugged on a 2 ports multitap.
IO_CD_MASK = %10000000
CD-ROM base unit sense bit.
IO_COUNTRY_MASK = %01000000
Country detection.
IO_JOYPAD_DOWN = %00000100
Bit in the joyport for the down direction on the D-PAD (SEL=1).
IO_JOYPAD_I = %00000001
Bit in the joyport for button I (SEL=0).
IO_JOYPAD_II = %00000010
Bit in the joyport for button II (SEL=0).
IO_JOYPAD_III = %00000001
Bit in the joyport for button III on a 6-button joypad.
IO_JOYPAD_IV = %00000010
Bit in the joyport for button IV on a 6-button joypad.
IO_JOYPAD_LEFT = %00001000
Bit in the joyport for the left direction on the D-PAD (SEL=1).
IO_JOYPAD_MASK = %00001111
Joypad port pin.
IO_JOYPAD_RIGHT = %00000010
Bit in the joyport for the right direction on the D-PAD (SEL=1).
IO_JOYPAD_RUN = %00001000
Bit in the joyport for the RUN button (SEL=0).
IO_JOYPAD_SEL = %00000100
Bit in the joyport for the Select button (SEL=0).
IO_JOYPAD_UP = %00000001
Bit in the joyport for the up direction on the D-PAD (SEL=1).
IO_JOYPAD_V = %00000100
Bit in the joyport for button V on a 6-button joypad.
IO_JOYPAD_VI = %00001000
Bit in the joyport for button VI on a 6-button joypad.
irq_cnt = $20f2
Interrupt counter.
irq_disable = irqport+2
Interrupts disable port.
Disable IRQ vector.
Enable IRQ vector.
irq_m = $20f5
Interrupt control mask.
Disable one or multiples IRQ interrupts.
Enable one or multiples IRQ interrupts.
Set user interrupt functions.
irq_status = irqport+3
Interrupts status.
IRQ1 = 1
IRQ2 = 0
Index of the user defined IRQ2 vector.
irqport = $1400
IRQ ports
joyold .ds 5
Previous 5 joypads values.
joypad .ds 5
This array holds the values for 5 2-buttons joypads.
joypad_6 .ds 5
This array contains the values for buttons III, IV, V and VI of 5 6-buttons joypads.
Poll 6-buttons joypads state.
9 cycles delay before reading data after SEL line update.
Bit in the joypad for the down direction..
Bit in the joypad for button I.
Bit in the joypad for button II.
Bit in the joypad for button III.
Bit in the joypad for button IV.
Bit in the joypad for the left direction.
Read joypad state.
Poll joypads state.
Reset multitap to the first joypad.
Bit in the joypad for the right direction.
Bit in the joypad for the RUN button.
Bit in the joypad for the Select button.
Bit in the joypad for the up direction.
Bit in the joypad for button VI.
joyport = $1000
I/O port.
joytrg .ds 5
Delta joypad values for 5 2-buttons joypads.
Right shift 32 bits value.
Right shift word-sized value.
Map copy helper macro.
16x16 tilemap copy helper macro.
Map data to mpr 3 and 4.
Load a portion of a 8x8 tilemap to VRAM.
Load a portion of a 16x16 tilemap to VRAM.
Set current map pointers and infos.
Defines the vertical bounds of the BAT map area.
Set memcpy arguments.
Copy len bytes from the src to dst.
Initialize memcpy routine.
Set memcpy mode (see Copy Modes).
As tia, tii, tin, etc...
Multiply 2 unsigned words.
Multiply 2 unsigned bytes.
Negate value.
Negate 32 bits value.
Negate word-sized value.
NMI = 3
Push 32 bits value onto the stack.
Push word-sized value onto the stack.
Pull 32 bits value from the stack.
Pull word-sized value from the stack.
Output a bcd number at the current BAT location.
Output an ASCII character at the current BAT location.
Output an unsigned decimal number at the current BAT location.
Output an unsigned decimal number at the current BAT location.
Output a decimal digit at the current BAT location.
Fill an area with a given character.
Output a hexadecimal digit at the current BAT location.
Output a hexadecimal number at the current BAT location.
Output a hexadecimal number at the current BAT location.
Display a null (0) terminated string in a textarea.
Display the n first characters of a string.
Display a null (0) terminated string.
psg_ctrl = psgport+4
Control register.
PSG_CTRL_CHAN_ON = %10000000
PSG control register bit masks 1 - Channel on 0 - Channel off
PSG_CTRL_DDA_ON = %11000000
DDA output.
Channel maximum volume (bit 5 is unused)
PSG_CTRL_VOL_MASK = %00011111
Channel volume.
Reset waveform write index to 0
psg_freq_hi = psgport+3
Rough frequency adjust.
psg_freq_lo = psgport+2
Fine frequency adjust.
Initialize PSG.
psg_lfoctrl = psgport+9
LFO trigger and control.
psg_lfofreq = psgport+8
LFO frequency.
psg_mainvol = psgport+1
Global sound volume.
psg_noise = psgport+7
Noise control.
psg_pan = psgport+5
Channel balance.
psg_wavebuf = psgport+6
Channel sound data.
psgport = $0800
PSG port.
Generates 8-bit pseudo-random number.
Set pseudo-random number seed.
Update value of mpr 3 and 4 if needed.
Convert 3bit R, G, B to 9bit palette entry.
Left rotate 32 bits value.
Left rotate word-sized value.
Right rotate 32 bits value.
Right rotate word-sized value.